you may be years from your dieting days or just beginning to break up with food rules. either way conversations with your diet brain are exhausting. while it may cost $0 to be nice, my dietitian self says it is quite costly to be an ass to yourself. it zaps your time and energy!

instead of this moment: “i'm hungry, what sounds good to me right now?”
our diet brain can spiral us to these moments:
“why am I hungry?”
“i didn’t even workout out today”
“maybe just a small snack…”
“i don’t know, maybe I’m just thirsty?”
“i want XYZ but I probably shouldn’t”...”
while these situations are nuanced for each individual, here are a few of my go-to recommendations when reframing our inner monologue:
identify that you are not your dieting brain. You aren’t a failure for having these thoughts. navigating this is part of healing from diet culture.
get it out of your head: write it down, reach out to a professional, talk to a trusted friend or family member.
hit pause: tell your diet brain, “I hear you on that, and at this moment. i can see this conversation isn’t going anywhere.”
practice self-empathy: ask yourself if there is something that the diet brain is signaling. could it be a need for support? validation? comfort?
utilize the Way app! way is created by a team of mental health professionals and dietitians. the modules within the app walk you through your OWN diet brain thoughts and practices so that you can reframe them.