i'm getting my labs done this week
It's common for your weight and lab results to feel like a report card for your eating and movement behaviors. I often meet clients after they've learned they have abnormal labs, like cholesterol or A1C, and they are overwhelmed with anxiety and shame: what did I do wrong? can I fix this? is it the way I am eating?
There are folks who've gone from hardcore dieting to hardcore not-dieting. Seeing labs change after letting go of restrictive behaviors can feel like a real gut punch. "Wait, I thought this Not Dieting Thing was supposed to be good for me?"

Oof, friend- complicated feelings! The good news is this: when we know better, we can do better.
Unfortunately, we don't always get great nutrition recommendations from medical providers because they may take 1-2 courses max on nutrition in medical or nursing school. That doesn't make them bad people; it just means you may not be receiving information beyond "stop eating refined carbs and try to lose 20 pounds by next year." So, the 'knowing better' part is often tied up in dieting, not authentic nutrition knowledge.
Today, I'm offering a mindset tip [we gotta start with mindset!] for approaching your next lab draw.
If you start to feel anxious or overwhelmed about getting labs done, receiving results, or hearing from your doctor about them, remind yourself:
Results are not report cards; they're windows that allow me to see what's going on inside my body.
Be on your body's team. If you were losing a game, you [hopefully] wouldn't start trash talking a teammate. You'd create a plan of action and put it into play. Be a good teammate!
When your brain starts yelling, "Great! Look what you did!" reframe that thought with "Hm, I wonder what my body is trying to tell me it needs right now?"
Struggling with understanding nutrition labs? Want to pursue health without dieting? You’re a perfect fit for Inside Out group coaching!