There's no such thing as girl push ups.
What does that even mean, Brad? A girl can want to progress her push-up and not feel like every modification is a checkmark in the "still too weak" column.

Fortunately, not all strength coaches are Brads and Chads. I invited strength coach, Mark Breedon, to speak to my membership support group called Sturdy Habits. In this group, we talk all things fueling and habits for strength training.
One topic we stumbled upon in our chat with Mark was pushups. How can we make progress? What else can we do besides wall or knee push up variations?
Bodyweight movements can feel frustrating, especially if you've been told, "it'll be easier if you just lose some weight!" I've been told that so many times; it feels defeating and unhelpful.
Maybe you've got the fueling down, but you're feeling stuck on the progression piece. Just like I teach you with nutrition, it helps to have a flexible and easy-to-follow plan for fitness, too.
Mark put together a well-organized, clear cut program for us to strengthen our push ups! What I like about this plan is that he makes it easy to identify where you need to focus based on your starting point; when to progress to the next part in the program; and exactly what movements and reps to complete.
Simple, intentional, flexible: we love to see it.
Whether you decide to use this as your stepping stone back into intentional movement or to incorporate this plan into your existing fitness routine, I trust you'll be feeling good about your push ups soon!
Working with Mark transformed my strength journey, and I'm excited to share this offering with you.