TL;DR: eggs can absolutely be a part of a healthy, nutritious food intake. While recommendations vary depending on a person's current health status, enjoying eggs throughout the week is a delightful, tasty way to add protein and fat to your meals.

In a previous post, [insert link how to quit stressing about getting your nutrition labs done] I talked about giving nutrition tips for improving a specific nutrition-related lab. We’ve all heard or read that we shouldn't eat eggs if we want to improve our cholesterol and maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Sadly, when we think about cholesterol, we're told to restrict: no eggs, no red meat, no refined carbs.
There is a bit of truth behind these recommendations: when a large percentage of our intake comes from saturated fats and refined carbs, cholesterol levels can get out of normal range. And also, it doesn't have to be all-or-nothing! You already knew that, didn't you?
Instead of giving up eggs to support our cholesterol, what if we thought about adding the following foods to our dishes?
🍿 Whole grains + pulses:
Let me start by saying I am NOT recommending a switch from white rice to brown. This is not going to have a large impact when it comes to increasing your fiber intake!
Instead, where can you incorporate a whole grain toast in your day? Additionally, some oats, farro, quinoa, lentils, beans, or peas?
If you're looking for ease, you can always opt for a whole grain version of your favorite starch [it doesn't need to become a rule]. Popcorn is also a whole grain food!
🥑 Heart-healthy fats:
If you've ever counted macros, you might see 'fats' and worry. For so many, restricting fat intake was the path to diet success. However, our bodies need fats for heart health, hormone balance, brain function, and energy!
Could you add some avocado to your breakfast bowl? How about fatty fish like salmon, cod, tuna, mackerel, or sardines? Don't forget seed oils [especially olive, avocado, and canola!] for cooking and dressing. Nuts and seeds also deliver on heart-healthy fats.
🥦 High Soluble fiber veggies + fruits:
Yes, adding veggies of any kind is a worthwhile effort. And also, not all veggies are excellent sources of soluble fiber, which helps improve cholesterol levels.
Which fruits can you incorporate more often? Your soluble fiber all-stars include raspberries, pears, apples with skin, bananas, oranges, strawberries, kiwi, and pomegranates.
Which veggies? We're talking broccoli, brussels sprouts, potato with skin [all kinds], cauliflower, carrots, turnip greens, corn, and peas.
🥤 Creative Hydration:
It's okay if you get bored by water or simply don't enjoy the taste. Getting creative with hydration ensures you're supporting an increased fiber intake!
As spring turns to summer, let's get creative with hydration! Carbonated and flavored waters, iced herbal and black teas, food sources like fruits, veggies, and yogurt, prebiotic sodas, and kombuchas can spice up a water-only hydration routine.
⏸ A quick aside: some folks make all of these changes and more and their cholesterol still doesn't change! This is largely due to genetics.
My work as a dietitian lies in teaching you how to make these shifts a seamless, sustainable habit. Today, I'm giving you the what to get started on your own! If you need me, you know where to find me 💌.