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Sep 13, 20243 min read
intuitive eating: compassionate or chaotic?
For many, intuitive eating ushers in an era of healing after decades of dieting. For others, it can feel... confusing & chaotic. How do...

Sep 9, 20241 min read
sorry Netflix, eating eggs is not the same as smoking a cigarette!
Netflix documentaries about food work overtime to send home a pointed nutrition message. Unless we are immediately convinced into a new...

Sep 9, 20243 min read
can I improve my cholesterol and still eat eggs?
TL;DR: eggs can absolutely be a part of a healthy, nutritious food intake. While recommendations vary depending on a person's current...

Sep 9, 20242 min read
how to make meal prep easy
A lunchtime walk? A freshly cleaned emotional support water bottle? A midday office stretch break? A few easy meals planned? At the...

Sep 9, 20242 min read
how to quit stressing about getting your nutrition labs done
i'm getting my labs done this week It's common for your weight and lab results to feel like a report card for your eating and movement...

Sep 9, 20244 min read
are you eating ingredients you can't pronounce?
TL;DR: you're an organic chemistry class away from being able to pronounce most food ingredients. A better gauge of healthfulness?...

Mar 23, 20243 min read
are there benefits to mushroom coffee?
There is no clickbait more enticing, in my opinion, than the marketing for RYZE Mushroom Coffee. I receive close to 1 RYZE ad, reel, or...

Mar 23, 20243 min read
should you take a magnesium supplement?
if you know New Orleans, you know it's a chronic construction site. lucky for long-distance runners, that means porta potties abound....

Mar 23, 20242 min read
is reading a nutrition facts label a diet behavior?
It might feel like one if you associate nutrition information with your restrictive diet days [or have friends/family who fixate on the...

Jul 13, 20237 min read
a note on semaglutide shots
can we even have a neutral convo about this? it's hard to imagine something so polarizing ever being neutral. and, the experiences people...

Jun 22, 20232 min read
everything you need to know about meal prep
let's talk meal prep mondays. while Tupperware was born way back in 1946, Google searches for the term 'meal prep' date back to 2013....

Jun 22, 20233 min read
what should i eat? 5 reframes for making up your mind
nutrition of addition is one of my favorite recommendations for folks looking to increase the nutrient density of a meal without feeling...

Jun 22, 20232 min read
what to eat when it's hot out
get out the mega-babe*: it's sweatin' season does your appetite decrease with the summer months? on a walk with my nutrition group here...

Jun 22, 20233 min read
reframes for trying on clothes
shopping for clothes can just, well... suck. three years ago today i moved to new orleans [!] with all my belongings, including a ton of...

Jun 22, 20233 min read
3 reasons it's hard to keep a routine
"i know what i need to do... i just never do it!" we've all uttered that sentence before, right? y'all, of course i know how to put my...

Jun 14, 20233 min read
5 mindset shifts for takeout and restaurant meals
Let's talk takeout... in a non-diet way. My sister recently moved to New Orleans, and as you know, with moving often comes a lot of...

Jun 14, 20232 min read
can I lose weight without restriction?
pursuing intentional weight loss without restricting Lately, I've been having conversations with clients who are stuck in a messy...

Jun 11, 20232 min read
diet and body talk: holiday edition
what you need to hear sometimes it feels like we contain all the questions and all the problems, like a jumbled mess of a human. we may...

Jun 11, 20233 min read
4 specific ways to support your blood sugar
but first....those google search suggestions i love a Google moment. i'll look up random trivia level facts, song lyrics i definitely...

Jun 11, 20233 min read
alcohol and your body
are you a cocktail person? 🍸 admittedly, i was not a cocktail person until i moved to new orleans. it's not the taste of them so much it...
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